Saturday, October 29, 2016

Math Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs - Math Style

How does this work? I played Spooky Skeletons and Monster Mash for Halloween; however, you can play any music you want. 

Teacher directions: 
  • Split students into two groups - I had one group report to right side of room and one to the left side of the room when they were out. 
  • Round one take 1 chair away from the center of the room, play music and have student who doesn't have a chair go to their side. At the end of the round, place a math problem on the board for students to solve. If students in the game solved this incorrectly, they were out. 
  • Round two - take  away two chairs, play music and have students who are out move to the appropriate side of the room. 
  • Repeat until only one student remains. 
Once you have students on both sides of the room out, have them race to see who can complete the math problem on the board the quickest. They may talk to each other but students in the game could not. If the students on the right side of the room solved it correctly first, they chose someone from the left side (from the center-still in the game) to be out.

I have 31 students in all of my classes so I had 3 students going out every round otherwise we may not have finished a game. 

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