Friday, August 19, 2016

How many cups does it take to reach my height?

I wrote on my smart board:  How many cups does it take to reach my height?  Then I asked students to generate a list of questions they wanted me to answer. They came up with:
  • How tall am I?
  • What type of cup are we using? (When they asked this, I gave them two styrofoam cups but they weren't allowed to touch them yet)
  • How are we going to stack them? 
Next, I had them make an estimate for the amount of cups needed and I recorded their guess on the board. 

Then, I had them solve the problem and write their strategy on their personal whiteboards. I gave them 10 minutes. 

I had them present their solutions to the class. Some wrote equations, others guess and checked, some made a table for the pattern. 

Finally, we actually stacked cups to me. This lesson took roughly 39 minutes. 

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