Warning - Your students will want to play this again and again!
Teacher Directions:
- Type out vocabulary words for current unit, one per page.
- Copy enough for each group of two students to have a copy.
- You can have the students split their vocabulary list. I could hold the words up first and my partner can give me clues. Once I am out of words, we switch roles. Otherwise, you can have each student do the entire list. I hold all the words up, my partner gives me clues. We shuffle our vocabulary words and switch roles.
Student Directions:
- Hold one vocabulary word up to your head.
- Your partner needs to give you clues until you say the word.
- Place another word to your forehead and repeat the first two steps.
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This is an activity that we did today with our Algebra students. I have a fake wall joining my room with the teacher who has the regular 8th grade math class. Luckily, we are both working on exponential growth functions. We opened our wall and did a joint murder mystery today in class. We promoted the activity all week - telling our students that it would be a great time. We began with a warm-up during which she left the room to put on the Sherlock outfit. I made my way back to my light switches. With no warning, I let out an ear piercing scream, turned the lights off and hit the ground. Then she burst into the room and said, "I was gone for five minutes and you killed your teacher!" She began to interrogate students and found the first clue under one of their desks (these were planted prior to class starting). These were distributed and the activity began. We mixed our two classes up and each group had a piece to the clue. After they solved the math problems, they received a deciphering key from us. The key had different solutions next to a letter. Their first clue was skirt so they new their killer was wearing a skirt. They were wearing people with different attributes. They deciphered clues until they found who in the room committed the crime.
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